husband and his best friend😒

I swear my husband and his best friend are in love or something. He calls and messages my husband all day long. Even up until 12 at night my husband will be getting calls from him. He quit his old job to work where my husband does. He calls my husband on his breaks at work (they work different shifts sometimes). He literally lives an hour from our home and drives here every single day to see my husband. When he comes over he does not acknowledge me our my daughter at all. When I ask my husband why he doesn’t acknowledge us he just says “He’s just a really shy person and he doesn’t know how to talk to women.” Like what?? You can hear the disappointment in his voice when I answer the phone, or see it in his face when I answer the door instead of my husband. He will randomly show up when we are all spending family time together and my husband will just drop us and spend hours outside with him. And then it seems that my husband gets angry with me when I bring anything up about it! He always says “well he drove all the way out here I don’t want to be rude and just tell him to leave.” This is getting so ridiculous. I’m absolutely fine with my husband having friends. But this guy is interfering with my family, and my husband doesn’t seem to mind or he just doesn’t get it! They’re going out of town Friday-Sunday next weekend. This is stressing me out. Am I overthinking this all?