Should I invite them?


Backstory: So a couple years ago my mom had problems with my husband because she was being manipulative and abusive. We were all living together and she was being very abusive towards me and trying to control me. Making me cook and clean and babysit my sister when I had my own newborn. If I didn’t do that stuff she’d send pics to my dad of garbage saying I was a lazy piece of shit, and she’d send it to anyone she could. Anyways she’d be just abusive in general . So my husband got mad and complained to her about it and she freaked out so they ended up having a verbal fight screAming and all. Well she turned around and told all my family that he hit her, and I sat there and watched and did nothing. so my family doesn’t talk to me anymore.

Fast forward to today: my older cousin moved from Mexico to 2 hours away from where I live. In the state I have an uncle and Little cousins who live 3 hours alway from me. She’s basically the only one who still talks to me and “cares” about what’s going on. She’s like the other black sheep in the family since she used to be a prostitute and left her daughter with my aunt in Mexico. She came to visit last week and told me they had invited her to my little cousins birthday. I know I shouldn’t care at this point but it still hurt. I live three hours away from them. She lives 5. And they invited her and didn’t even mention SHIT to me. My uncle used to call me eat least 3 times every month to see how I was doing. And it makes me so mad because I’ve never given anyone a reason to shut me out or be bad to me. The most my mom had to complain about when I was a teen would be me not cleaning my room. I didn’t party, didn’t fight, didn’t drink or do drugs. And I’m so mad they listened to my mother instead of seeing ALL the years that I was kind and did whatever they asked. Last time I was going to visit my uncle he said that he didn’t want my husband to step a foot in his property or there would be problems. He’s met my husband 3 times at most!! It’s just so fucked up and unfair!! And it hurts that being so close to them and family, they’re assholes like that. 😞

Now, my daughters 2nd birthday party is next month. And I was hoping to invite them, but after this I don’t know if I should invite them out if courtesy or not invite them at all. Its all so depressing.