Just need some advice 😩

Back story: we’ve been together since I was 14. We are 3 years apart. I’m now 20 & we have a two year old daughter. Over the past few years, he’s cheated on me, lied to me, had an ex stay at his house, I got pregnant, things got a lot better. He listened, he really put me first, treated me like a queen. Fast forward, I have our daughter... I can count how many times he’s bathed her, or changed her diapers, it’s not much. Now, the past few months, he’s really secretive again with his phone, takes calls in another room, turns his phone to answer texts or put in his password but he swears up and down he’s not doing anything. We also haven’t had sex in almost 8 months, he hasn’t kissed me in almost 9 months, and we don’t even share a bed.

When he gets free time, he spends it with his friends.

This is bullshit right? I almost never ask him to do anything for me or our daughter, never. I do everything financially for her, I get her to her doctors appointments, dentist appointments & I always get up and prepare her meals and everything.

Mother’s Day? I spent both of my Mother’s Day by myself. He slept both Mother’s Day and did not a damn thing for me.

Even now, he finished work at 3pm, it’s 1 am and he’s not home nor answering calls or texts... I’m really ready to just pick up and leave but he said that the relationships not over, he’s just tired with work. A part of me wants to stay but I really know it’s pointless. I never wanted to be a single mother but I’ve been doing it from day one. Any advice?