trust issues

so my boyfriend had been camping for the last eight days and i didn’t get to talk to him even once throughout that whole time. he came back today and we had planned that he would stay over late because we missed each other. i had a rough time while he was away which included mental breakdowns and panic attacks. he came over for half an hour tonight and then left because his friends wanted to go clubbing and now he’s snap chatting me drunk as hell at the club. i know this shouldn’t be a big deal but i’ve had people in my life abuse alcohol which led to my anxiety and depression and previous partners leave me for no good reason. my trust issues are so damaged and he knows this. i’m trying to get my life back together after the last few years draining me but i can’t help but feel this ache in my chest for something more. he’s an amazing boyfriend and he’s never done anything like this before so i can’t be that mad right? i’m just a mess and i just need him here you know?