I'm at the point we're in truly not sure if im miscarrying or not. Long story short, as of today I would be 6wks 1 day. It all started at 4wks 6 days I had brown light spotting. When to check HCG levels and they were all good and my OB was not concerned about the brown discharge. Cervix was also closed. As I went to get more HCG testing to see if it was rising, it was still. So my ultrasound came at 5wks 5 days to see if it is a viable pregnancy just to make sure. The girl at first thought it was ectopic. Turned out not to be. My OB did and ultra sound and went to the hospital to confirm it was not ectopic. But at 5wks 6 days... all you can see if a gestational sac and nothing in it... no yolk sac, and no baby. Heartbreaking. My levels that day were 9531. They said there low for my gestation and it's probably not going to be a strong pregnancy. So I went home and there it was, the red blood I've been fearing. Only some came out in my pants and in the toilet. Got a pad on and that was it. Now it's back to brown and not that much at all, but TMI it looks like coffee grinds. what is happening? Once I saw the red blood I told my Ob and she gave me the instructions on how to handle the miscarriage naturally. Can a miscarriage be like this? Or is this maybe a missed miscarriage? I don't know what to think. Going to get my HCG levels drawn tonight to see where there at. This is emotionally draining.