Pregnant again after c section 2 months ago ...

Hello Ladies. I need to tell you all my story since I have no one to talk to about this yet. 2 months ago I had my first son at the age of 24. When I found out I was pregnant with him i was completely shocked because I have a one night fling with an ex I had known for a very long time and conceived from that one time . Even though I was completely scared and my emotions were all over the place ...I went through with the pregnancy .I just couldn’t imagine getting an abortion. My sons father stepped up and we actually live together currently. Raising my son has not been easy at all but I can say that I am glad I did not get an abortion . I love him so much. Well ... today I found out again that I am pregnant . Literally two months after an emergency c section. I was having cramps yesterday and today and yesterday when I went to the bathroom and wiped it was pink tinged like spotting . I only ever spotted when I was pregnant with my son so I took a test and it confirmed ... pregnant. I guess I am writing this post because honestly I am unsure of what to do. We cannot take care of two kids at the moment. At the same time I feel conflicted about getting an abortion because I feel like it is taking away a life and who am I to do such a thing? Also I’ve noticed my c section scar aching and I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant again or if this is even safe at all. Has anyone ever went through this ? Did you have a healthy baby ? I guess I’m just looking for advice because i feel very lost right now . And if anyone was wondering me and my sons father had sex about 3 times in the period of a week. I didn’t think I was fertile when I counted the days in my head , so It was not until I computed it into glow that I realized that it was my fertile week. We did use protection but still I ended up pregnant.