My long birth story (ftm born on due date 7/28/18!)


So I work up on Friday 7/27 at 4am with contractions went to my obgyn appointment at 9 am got checked was at 4cm dilated, bulging water bag and baby super low! Boyfriend and I left went walking and got this “pregnancy pizza” supposed to induce labor naturally 😂 contractions come started getting closer and stronger about 4 pm but I was getting homemade nachos from boyfriend grandma (I was not missing that) ate nachos headed to hospital about 5pm! Again got checked I was 4.5 cm, bulging bag, baby low. Was sent home and told to walk and come back in two hours, came back 3 hours later about 9pm (got distracted from walking) and thought my water broke but nope still 4.5 and bulging bag baby low 🙄 sent home very upset at 12:00 am on due date 7/28 hoped into bed watch tv just started closing my eyes at about 12:30am bam water broke scared me (crazy feeling) my boyfriend thought I peed 😂 he woke up his mom “to make sure” she confirmed it and headed back to the hospital 🙄 they immediately seen I was back and my water broke baby also pooped and it came out, got a room about 1am did not progress for hours finally started a medication to move things along about 5am because I was at risk for infection 😞 contractions got stronger and closer but I still wasnt dilating from 4.5 at all baby heart rate was dropping I was in so much pain and stressing out got an walking epidural about 11ish so it calmed me down it’s about 1:00 pm now they decided to check me if I had no changes c section it was but nope I’m 7 cm now said they checked me again at About in few hour I call my nurse at 1:30 I said I felt the need to push (epidural was kinda wearing off) got checked I was 9 1/2 five minutes later was 10 cm and time to pushed so pushed for about an hour and half, cord was wrapped around neck and his heart rate dropping im feeling everything epidural completely wore off as I started pushing so I’m freaking out still pushing but he finally came out at exactly 3:13 on 7/28 his due date weighting 6 pounds 14oz and 21 inch’s long Abel James Flores 💙😍 we are learning together and I love it 😍 sorry so long 😂😂