Is he a good boyfriend? (Long story)


Hello, I'm Chrissy. I'm 14 years old and met a guy. I wanna know if he's a good one cause I just got out a toxic and hurtful relationship.

I met him three weeks ago, his name is Elias. I met him on a Friday and he's a really nice boy. So Elias and I started to hit it off and I had a crush on him. I asked for his email and if he used the app Google Hangouts. He does, so I started texting him and asked if he had a crush on someone and he replied yes. I asked if she went to the program we're in and he said yes again. Then he said it was me. I was excited because I had a crush on him also.

They were taking the kids in the program to Boston, Massachusetts without parent supervision, so I was like okay cool, I worked hard for this. I was a little worried about Elias because he as t Laing me that he wasn't doing good. Then one of the counselors gave him and I the paper saying we could go!! We were so happy we wanted to kiss, but everyone was around.

So when the trip came we started our 6 hour drive from Delaware to Massachusetts. In the middle we stopped to get breakfast but we were too excited to eat. I thought he was gonna kiss me and I was really nervous, but he didn't.

Soon enough we're on the road again and we're holding hands and cuddling. Until we get into a really dark tunnel he grabs my chin and we kiss, kinda making out and that was my first kiss.

Then he asked me out after the kiss and I answered yes and hugged him in the charter bus seat.

Then there goes making out in the elevator and hugging in the stores. I just really enjoy being with him and away alone with him at the same time.

In the dunkin doughnuts, having dinner with his friends

Us in Boston