does he like me idk


I've been talking to this guy for like 3 months but we haven't met yet because we live like 5 hours away from each other anyway we're meeting in August and he told me a while ago he would buy me 2 drinks because it's more expensive my ticket to London than his n today I brought it up again and was like' I'm gonna order the most expensive drinks just because' like as a joke and he was like 'loool no way' and then he was said 'I'm just paying the difference for our train which is like £7 because mine is a bit cheaper' n like iDk just seems a bit like hey I'm just buying u a drink so we're even not for any reason or bc I like u and I want to buy u a drink because we're on a date???? Idk but then he always teases me in like a flirty way I can't fucking tell ugh