BPD partner advice ..

This is ultimately about my babies, but am going to flash forward you through a bit of my relationship.

Had my first born in 2016. Not In such a good place with my partner when she was born. Moved away 2 weeks after she was born leaving everything behind including my home. Started over As a single mom and all was going well. 18 months later ( after maxing out all the credits I could) I needed to get back to the school I started to be able to finish my capstone classes and graduate.

So as I decided to come back I also decided to maybe make things civil with my ex partner and father of my child for her sake and for the matter that I could come back and live at the house while going to school( this would help with child care and other bills)

well.. in the first month I was back I started to sleep with him and though I was on BC I turned out pregnant for the second time. I truly debated getting and abortion but decided not to. So he asked me to go to couples counseling and maybe see if we could make things work. I agreed and shortly after found out he has BPD which explains a lot of why’s in our relationship prior and current.

Now.. this is my second baby and he is the father of both but his disorder doesn’t allow him to be the father or the partner I wish he could be. WhT should I do? Stay? Go?