so lonely

Meghan • Angel Butt

so my issue here is I am too comfortable with settling because I am not content with myself. my goal this year is to be more content with myself. It's been a struggle but I'm getting better. I love loyalty and I just love lust. I long for love, and trust, and kind words with an amazing man. my birthday is in November. it'll be my 21st. my goals is to stay single until then. But I can't help but miss kissing and hugging and cuddling whenever you want with someone you really care about. I'm missing the butt grabs and the jokes and late nights and the sex. I don't really know if I need advice on how to help my mental state because I already know I got to love myself and be content with myself. and I'm making progress, but I really just needed to talk about how I feel. so I wrote this long boring post for someone to read. anyways xoxo.