Opinions please!!

My partner is working abroad, and has been kicked out of where he is staying (because the landlord has decided to sell it) ...

cut long story short...

he’s been off with me for over a week ( not really talking/texting me or FaceTimeing me out of work ) ... iv found out he’s been staying somewhere els ( 3 girls and 1 other guy in this place)

Well now he’s been kicked out he has to stay with the other ( the girls and guy)

Would you be happy with this or do you think something is going on...

Before the past week he would FaceTime me as soon as he got in from work for about 10 mins then call me for about an hour when he got into bed. Now I get 5mins FaceTime a day when he’s a work ( when he’s on the toilet )

I’m trying to stay calm as I’m on my own with our two kids and don’t want them to think something is up...


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