I need advice please

Ali • 🌵🌻

Ever since my husband and I got married, well I hate saying this but I haven't been happy. Of course I love him and we do have our loving moments just not as often as we should. When we first got married he would make it a point to let me know he married me bc it's morally correct, he rarely mentioned (if ever) that he married me bc he loved me and I think the rare time(s) he said it is bc we were arguing about it. He has "changed" his mind set since then and knows that saying and thinking how he did wasn't how God intended. Fast forwarding, we moved in with his parents.... probably the biggest mistake and biggest issue in our marriage. I can't even begin to explain all the reasons why I would rather live in a homeless shelter (which I have before) than to live with these people. I love them so much they are my family and I respect them and all I want is for all of us to be happy. Not only has this move put a huge damper on my marriage but I feel like my whole life is crumbling.... I just want to know what y'all would do in this situation? We have couples bible study every night one on one, we both want to be the best Christians we can be. I pray and pray on this situation and I've considered marriage counselling but my husband says that's stupid... I honestly just don't feel loved by him and if I dare bring anything up to him about him or his family or anything he will get upset and it turns into an argument without fail. He doesn't listen nor does he try. what should I do? who should I talk to if I can't talk to my family? I want to move so I can be a wife to my husband but his parents are awful and my husband isn't pressed for time to save my sanity either. please help