BFN Blues - Update


Update: AF is beginning, just some light brown spotting so far but 13dpo and a day before af will be official. A bit bummed out. Went to the doctor after having intense stabbing pains yesterday which turned out to be a small cyst on my right ovary that ruptured. Still was holding out hope that I wouldn’t have af come but it is on its way. Was really hopeful this month but alas it wasn’t our month. On a positive note, the doctor did say everything looked great when she did the vaginal ultrasound and had plenty of follicles and uterus and ovaries look good. Good luck to all if they are still in it this month!

I am 11dpo and after reading all these posts about getting bfp or at least fl I was feeling hopeful and decided to take a test this morning. I know I should have waited but couldn’t help myself. I had been having all these symptoms that I was trying not to read that much into but was feeling nauseous, had sore breasts, had some light pink on the toilet paper when I wiped at 8-9dpo and had some cramping and was hoping that it was implantation bleeding and cramping. We haven’t been ttc forever but coming up on 6 months. I know it isn’t over until af arrives but having been so hopeful the days leading up today and then after taking a test this morning and getting a bfn with no hopeful vfl it feels like getting hit with a bus. Just wanted to vent a little. Af is suppose to arrive in 3 days so we shall see. Good luck to all the other ladies still in the tww and everyone ttc!