Always arguing - advice

me & my boyfriend really do love each other and really want things to work out between us , but we’re always arguing about the littlest stuff .🤦🏾‍♀️

he says it’s my attitude but the thing is i don’t get mad unless he says or does something to piss me off . 🤷🏾‍♀️

i can’t help it , i try to stay calm & not react but it doesn’t help when he doesn’t stop , i will literally sit there & not say anything , he will continue to talk .

we’ve been together for 4 years , when we first got together we would talk / text all day literally , now he can barely keep uph a conversation .. i just feel like he has gotten too comfortable in our relationship and stop doing the things he did to get me .

like i wanna go dates , get flowers , etc .. but financial he can’t afford to go out like that , but still we can sit in the house and watch movies or find something else to do ; he’s not a romantic .

i don’t know i want this forever , i just want something’s to change.