Irritated, hormonal, whatever..

I'm so irritable lately, being 38+1 weeks I know it's another part of being pregnant. Sometimes I feel bad about it. Is it just me or do people start to get really annoying at the end? Like you have that friend(s) that call or text you just about every damn day saying "have you had the baby yet?" Or  "when's the baby coming?" Or you have the pushy SIL "try having sex, or castor oil so you can start labor." And "make sure you let me know as soon as you go into labor so I can be in the room."  And "oh I bought your babies going home outfit." Really? Where the hell is my say in any of this? It just irritates me, I know family and friends get excited towards the end but it drives me crazy, especially when they try to make decisions for you instead of asking. Idk maybe I'm overreacting. It just really starts to get on my nerves.