My birth story


Sooo I went in just for decreased Fetal movement and they weren’t happy with it soo they decided to induce me they put a balloon in me that night to ripen my cervix then by 11am it fell out so I was ready to go but I had to wait for a birthing suite to be ready waited till 4.30 pm and finally got to go in they broke my waters and put me on a drip 6pm my contractions started they went from 0-100 real quick wanted to go natural but I couldn’t the contractions had no breaks inbetween them and I couldn’t do the gas it was making me feel delirious I got the epidural which took forever because it was hard not to move with the contractions once I had it everything was so much better I couldn’t feel a thing so I had to try get some rest before pushing 5 hours had gone by they checked me and I was 4cm they checked again in another 3 hours and I was 9 they checked bubs position but hes head was tilted upwards instead of down so we waited another 2 hours to see if it would change and it didn’t so I had doctors come in and tell me we needed to do a c section as they got me ready and wheeled me over I was crying emotional I went through ten hours of labour to then go through a c section as we started my c section it was horrible you can feel like ripping and pulling and then I felt cutting In my stomach they had to give me another epidural because the one wasn’t enough and I could feel them before I knew it I heard my baby and he was shown over the sheet I didn’t feel happiness I felt sad I didn’t get to hold him I had to lay there while he was taken away and I went into recovery it being able to hold your baby have that bonding experience with them sucks I lay waiting to meet my beautiful son can’t feel my legs or much more of my body! It wasn’t the birth that I wanted to have but it’s the one I had to go through to meet my 👶

Tatum 4.01kg

Born 24/07/2018