On the 1st i went to target for a last min baby run at 1pm then went to Walmart for last min hospita...

On the 1st i went to target for a last min baby run at 1pm then went to Walmart for last min hospital items.. got home around 4 something an my stomach was tight i ate put up what i had purchased then i ate a fat bowl of cereal lol then worked up the courage to shower i couldnt even bend over to dry myself thats how much i was hurting ... i then ate again an waited a bit an decided i would go get checked just to be safe .. when i got to the hospital i was a 4 @ 10 by 12;30 midnight i was a 5 then a 6 an 7 and a half cervix full thin fully effaced... at that point i got an epidural just because my 1st pregnancy was a stillborn at 21 weeks an i didnt know what to expect well at 10;40 i was a 9 & 1/2 an by 11;40 i felt i had to go #2 an it was apparently time to push so here we are 2 practice pushes an 4 real pushes later an my beautiful 6 pound 19 inche long rainbow baby was here early but she made her debut 😍😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️ meet Kamelia