The hard truth of lesbians and faint lines

So, as I read through everyone's posts about faint lines and baby dances, I do have to say, I get why you get sad when you get a BFN but.. I pee on sticks daily to see if I'm ovulating... Then I need to call my known donor to come over and jerk in the other room. Last insemination, my partner dropped the sperm on her toe . I don't know if any of you have ever examined sperm, but I suggest, unless you like the look of Bulldogs shaking their big spitty heads, never do it. While you all baby dance, our baby dance is giggling at the thought of our donor in the other room doing his business, followed by more giggling when trying to hurry up and use our at home insemintation kit, followed by gagging, followed by trying to not giggle while actually inseminating. At least most of you ladies are baby dancing hot and heavy! Next time you get a BFN just think of me, realizing I have to do that AGAIN 😂