Feeling Disconnected

My baby is almost 1 month old and my husband and I planned for her, but I've been feeling a little disconnected. I feel like my baby and my husband have a special bond and she likes him more and she only uses me for my milk, otherwise she's not happy with me. Today I found myself wondering why I wanted to have kids and how we were fine with the two of us but I wanted to get off bc and try for kids...and now I'm having second thoughts. I feel awful even expressing that. 😭 I love my daughter and couldn't imagine life without her, but idk..... These thoughts make me second guess myself as a woman and a mother and a human being. I would never express those things to my husband because he'd be worried and would make sure that I don't have to do anything concerning the baby as to make sure I'm getting rest and taking care of myself. Maybe this is just baby blues and it will quickly pass. I'm also breastfeeding and it'd easy, but hard at the same time....especially right now while she's been cluster feeding for 5 days straight. I just feel inadequate and exhausted and like my baby and I aren't connecting. It baffles me that I carried her for 10 months and yet she's bonding so strongly with her father over me....😔