Husband brag!


I’m so in love and shock an awe.

Tonight my husband came home from work after a 12 hour shift as a waiter at a restaurant . I had just put the baby down (sleep training) and after he gives me a hug he goes in to the kitchen, unloads the dishwasher, and cleans the whole kitchen!

I had spent the day at my in laws because my mils mom (DHs grandma) passed away this morning so I was helping her with lunch, baking with my niece, and cooking dinner, whatever I could do to help out there. I came home with the intention to clean but baby was fussy and my husband got to the kitchen first! While he did that I got a chance to tackle the living room, and bathroom so now we have a clean house!

I got a new, job lately with a higher pay then he does and great benefits. I’ve said to him in the past that transitioning from sahm to working mom won’t be easy and I’d need him to step up his house and baby game a bit more. And he has!

Lately he’s been giving our baby girl baths, waking up at night to rub her tummy back to sleep, waking up early o chamge her diaper before handing her to me before he goes to work, and he takes on making her dinners and feeding her! It been amazing! I haven’t started working yet. I start in 2 weeks but I feel so much better about all of this.

He’s an amazing daddy. I’m proud of who he is and naming up for his family. Yes he baby wears too