Heartbroken right now.


I expected I was going to miscarry this weekend so I wasn’t totally surprised when I woke up this morning and it was happening. I was fine all morning. I spoke with my doctor I was super positive and optimistic and she was really proud of my outlook. Then I’m hanging out and log onto social media and see one of my good friends announce her 14 week pregnancy via Facebook. I lost it. This is selfish and fucked up of me I know. But it hurts right now. It hurts so bad. You sit there and find yourself going through the reasons of why it isn’t fair for those people to have kids and you to not. It’s completely ignorant and immature I know this but I’m still devastated. That been said I realized I need a social media break for a while. I deleted the Facebook Instagram and Twitter apps off of my phone because I know that’s all I’ll see for he next few weeks. This break is what I need to heal. Hopefully this works for us soon as my mc was early on and happened naturally. Prayers and good luck to all of you in my shoes today ❤️