

I’ve been dying to start trying to conceive since my miscarriage (which started in January but I let it happen naturally and I wasn’t completely done with it until the first week of May. Yes you heard that right, nearly 4 months straight of it). He’s had some testicle swelling issues so we were waiting until I healed a little more emotionally and his guys had a better chance. We had decided to start trying this month, but now I’m questioning if I’m ready.

He had more soreness this week and I worry if he’s not completely healed, will a pregnancy result in another miscarriage.

I start nursing school next week, am I ready to be pregnant and give birth while doing online classes, clinicals, taking care of a newborn, working part time, etc?

I just left my full time salaried job to have time for nursing school, something I decided a year ago was the right path for me (finally!), so money is tight this year too. I’m also 37 now, I know it’s not super old but if I were 3-4 years younger I’d probably feel better about waiting until nursing school is over.

So I want to try but I’m scared and I feel like it might be smarter to wait, but there’s never a right time, and my sister is 4 months pregnant too. I’m ovulating today too. We BD a few times last week but not yesterday and not today (yet!).

Any thoughts, opinions, experiences, etc. would be greatly welcomed! Thank you!