love & hate relstionship


It really truly suck being in a relationship you no longer care abt, have been in it for almost 8 yrs lng now, have tried everything possible to let it go but yet the (male) always gotta be the one still hanging on to it. i don't see no marriage in the near future, its like hanging on to dead weight, always arguing, fussing, fighting, biggering abt non sense bullshyt. me, personally i am lybra, & i really think its a zodiac thing cause i have always not gotten along with tauruses, my very own bio mom is a taurus & i don't even get along with her, we do have 1 child together, thank god she's never around when anything occurs, its just the point it never seems to amaze me when i don't have anyone to talk too, whenever we get into it. i don't have any family on both sides (mom or dad side) or friends that i speak with except for my dad & often times we can never relate. Is anyone else dealing with this same issue or is it just me?