Sex: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: College Student

Situation: So, I was working at this factory for the summer. It just so happened to be the same factory that my dad has been working at for 20+ years. I just needed some money for school and I knew that I could get a job there. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but I just happened to find myself in one- my first relationship EVER!The guy (26) is so cute and we have a lot in common. He’s SUPER nice and just a really awesome person to be around, but here’s the catch: he’s kinda married.....with kids....

When we met, he told me that he had just gotten out of a relationship. It wasn’t until we started texting that he explained the whole situation. His wife, wants a a divorce from him, and they are in the process of getting one. They haven’t been intimate since last November and they barely interact with each other. They are both completely fine with the other seeing someone else. They still live in the same house, but it’s only because she was a stay at home mom, so he’s supporting her until she gets enough money to support herself and the kids. He is however, looking for a place of his own.

My mom and best friend think that I should let him go, and just forget about the whole situation. He’s technically still married and has 2 kids. They think that I’m too young to get wrapped up in this drama. My dad has worked with him before. He thinks that he’s a really good guy, and he doesn’t mind that we’re dating, but doesn’t think that we should get too serious.

I just don’t know what to do. I really like him and I don’t think that I should stop seeing him. He really like me too. Plus, I’ve never had a boyfriend before, and he makes me feel good.

Please help me internet friends!!!