Severe anxiety

I’m 13 weeks pregnant with my second child. I’ve always had mild issues with anxiety. I managed it fairly well without medication, although I’ve taken medication for a few brief periods in the past. I don’t remember being this anxious with my first, and this time around it’s really affecting my life. I’m worrying about everything, to the point of hyperventilating. I cancelled a trip to NYC because I convinced myself the plane would crash or my toddler would be kidnapped in the city. My husband just left to go out of town for 3 days and my brain has made me feel certain he’s going to be in a car accident.

I can’t control it. I worry and then spiral out of control. I have horrible thoughts about things happening to my son, and then I can’t stop thinking about it, and seeing it in my head.

I know this stress isn’t good for the baby, but I don’t know how to manage it. Any help?