Stretch Mark Splitting Open TMI

So I had my daughter 9 months ago and even though I only went 34 weeks and didn’t get very large at all my stretch marks were BAD like the worst my OB has ever seen bad. Some are 2inches WIDE. Even 9 months PP they are an issue. The skin is literally paper thin in between and in my biggest ones I have zero feeling. This one is on top of my hip where my underwear sits and about an inch wide or more. The skin has split open. My skin just didn’t seem to take to stretching well but I’m kinda getting worried. I’ve never heard of this happening to anyone. I didn’t even realize this one split open until I saw it. I have zero feeling of the super thin skin in the middle. Is this something more? It looks like white connective tissue underneath. It’s kinda freaky and I’m worried if this is going to be an issue I’ll have all my life. I think it’s splitting because that skin in between is very fragile and LITERALLY thinner than paper. When I let go of my skin it shrinks up because I’m obviously not pregnant anymore. Just worried about getting infections if this happens frequently! I’m in zero pain.

EDIT: also want to add this picture. This was taken the day before I had my daughter. As you can see, I wasn’t super large as I was in decent shape prepreggo and have never not had a flat tummy (till now bc PP belly) but this is how bad they are just on my bikini line.... the one that split is that smallerish dark one on my hip to the right of the as you can see it’s not even close to my biggest one.