Mystery Baby

Heather • Maggie’s mom

I felt like I know the answer to this, but does anyone else have a baby who has no consistency with behavior?

I know what to expect from my 7-week old during the day. She’s good in a bouncer for maybe 10 minutes. Otherwise she wants to be in my arms while I move around or she wants to be eating.

BUT bedtime is a crapshoot every night. A week ago I spent 5 hours trying to get her to sleep one night. But two nights ago she soothed herself to sleep. Some nights she will only sleep for 5 hours before waking for a feed, but yesterday she slept 11 hours in a row! Some nights if I put her in bed asleep she will stay asleep, but other nights she will wake up within minutes and cry.

I never know what to expect! Can anyone else commiserate with me?