Ugly childhood/babies 🤔

Anyone else an ugly baby but pretty decent looking as a teen to an adult?

I’m so awful which is why I’m anonymous 😂

My husbands family makes UGLY babies but they are all GORGEOUS 7th grade on. His niece could honestly be a model. If I had known my husband before he hit his attractive stage(that was high school for him 😂) we probably wouldn’t have been together.

My family on the other hand— we are cute gerber-perfect- babies. We have the right amount of hair, the right amount of chubbiness—everything. But none of us are very attractive as adults lol we have very strong genes in our family. Even all the cousins look the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you’re in my moms side of the family you might as well assume your child will come out with DARK brown almost black eyes, tan skin, bags under their eyes(yes, as a child I had BAGS UNDER MY EYES 🤦‍♀️ thanks grandma), and the same style nose we have.

Here’s to hoping mine and my husbands children look like me as babies and look like his family as kids 😂