Benadryl & prednisone -


My DH and I just bought our dream home & started gardening last Monday. By Wednesday I noticed I had poison something all over my thighs. I saw my PA & he gave me Benadryl & cortisone cream. I ended up having an allergic reaction to Benadryl on Friday. At urgent care they gave me a steroid, I Felt better until this morning when I had another allergic reaction. Went back to the doctor and he gave me prednisone. We had to terminate our first pregnancy July 2017 & have been trying for the last 9 months with no luck. last Monday - Saturday was my fertile window & we BD e/o day - everyday over the weekend. Did taking the medicine mess up our chances this month? Doing my best to stay positive but starting to feel down.. sorry for the long post. Baby dust to all!