I want it to stop.

Corey • Mama to 3 soon to be 4

I’m 24 and currently 12 weeks 1 day pregnant with my third and final baby. The pregnancy is nothing like my other two. With my eldest I was sick nonstop till 9 weeks and then I was fine. It had become a normal pregnancy up until certain events took place. Won’t get into it atm, maybe in another post. With my daughter I was sick for one day that was it. She was a complete 180 from my son. Complications the whole way. Again story for another day. How ever this pregnancy is odd. I’m constantly sick, can’t hardly eat or drink. I’m soar all the time, I freeze nonstop, can hardly walk from being dizzy and I just wanna lay in bed and do nothing. I have gone to my dr and the hospital. They said baby is very healthy and growing quick. Put my mind to ease in that regard. But they can’t explain why I’m so sick or sore with pressure. It’s been 4 years between my daughter and this pregnancy. Has any other mommas had anything like this. I just want it to stop. I can deal with being sick but not everything els at once.