Topic vs. Reason


Backstory: I work for a law firm that has two cases that are connected. The first case was against her employment for “not providing adequate storage and comfort for breastfeeding” she was a field officer, in her vehicle all day. A fridge is at the station. I’ve yet to figure out how that could have been made any better since I’ve yet to see a mini fridge in regular cars the size of a police cruiser. I wasn’t here at the time but from my understanding women from all over have stood outside protesting for things that from our point of view were already provided to the best of their ability. She never tried bringing and storing her milk in the fridge (which you can drive around and go back to the station for a quick thing if you aren’t on a call). The office got hate mail and threatening calls and all sorts of things. Her husband also filed a lawsuit against the same company for discriminating against him when he has no facts and refuses to answer the question “why should he get a promotion when he hasn’t completed firearms training in years over police officers who meet all requirements and have OUTSTANDING recommendations, he assumes because he has seniority he deserves the positions when they haven’t been earned” so I personally believe they are fishing for lawsuits to win big bucks.

Question: do you think that just any woman yells “discrimination against me breastfeeding” and the flock comes a running without knowledge or wanting to obtain knowledge on the actual case?

Do we just see a possibility of inequality and automatically blame the person the “victim” is blaming and not look at the facts or care about them as long as the world sees that women can do whatever with their body whenever and that point is shoved in everyone’s faces???

Should every police cruiser have mini fridges for breast milk and other items?

Or the extremely expensive cooler the department provided was enough since a mini fridge in a police cruiser is impossible with gear and available space?

And do you think inadequate claims like this hurt the actual cause to promote healthy and safe breastfeeding in the public and workplace?