@41 years old and living baby #7!

Carrie • 💕46 1/2 yr old Mom of 6 Sunshines🌞, 1 Angel👼🏼 & 1 Rainbow 🌈

God is good and there is always a rainbow of hope! On Tuesday at 39+4 I gave birth to an 8 lbs 5 Oz and 21 in baby girl, also my rainbow baby after a loss 2.5 years prior. So much for older women having smaller babies lol! I was originally sent in to be induced but it must have scared her so by the time I checked in, not a single contraction prior, I was already 4 cm and 75%,effaced. Natural labor had started and less than 7 hours later Mary Grace was born! I only felt anything of labor anything for 4 hours. It happened fast. God bless you all and prayers for you and your successful journey!!!