4cm dilated!

Petrice • Baby Sophia is here! I have been blessed truly blessed to become a mum 💗

My daughter came 9 days ago and my labour was not what I expected at all! Doctors advised me a dilation would be best for my baby due to reduced fetal movements. I wasn’t ready for what was to come as I never thought a forced labour would be something I needed. One day I had a sweep and two days later I was booked in to be dilated. All in all there were two attempts to dilate me once with a tablet in the cervix and then a gel. I contracted for days which was extremely painful but my body wouldn’t start itself off. Then Sunday morning my waters broke exactly like they do in the films! I screamed at my husband who was sleeping in a chair with excitement. At 9am I was taken to a delivery room and hooked up to a hormone drip to contract and deliver my daughter. I have never felt such pain and gas and air was my best friend 😂! When I got to the delivery room I was 1 cm dilated and had the hugest need to push it was uncontrollable. The midwifes couldn’t understand why I needed to push until the head midwife examined me finding baby’s head was showing and I was 4cm dilated. That did not change and she came at 4cm’s. I’m incredibly proud of myself and daughter and she is perfect. 7lbs 10oz.
