Is this becoming abusive?


So I've been talking to this guy...not dating just talking because hes not ready for a relationship. It's been a year though. I'm pregnant to him also.. but I need some clarification on some things to know weather I'm losing my mind or not..

So at the beginning everything was great he helped me get my apartment and everything. He started coming over and every now and then hed look at me and headbutt me randomly. Not really hard but a couple of times enough that my vision blacked and came back a few seconds later. His excuse is he does that when hes tired...

Then after that he began getting a little more violent by "accidentally" slamming my head into a wall trying to be seductive. Hes done that about 7 times. Apologizes each time but says "maybe if you weren't so clumsy it wouldn't happen". Alrifht yeah I'm clumsy I'll give him that one..

I'm sure hes talking to other girls because he went to the bathroom with his phone And accidentally sent me a message saying he was almost there and would text me later.. yeah hes at my house though claims he sent that while on the road to get to my house..

When I got pregnant he told me to abort it and that he wasnt ready and everything so we stopped talking for a month after that and I moved back home with my mom. He says I should of stayed out on my own even though i couldn't afford it pregnant or with a baby. He has became more enthralled in our daughter and doesnt hurt me like hes done but that's because we dont meet up in closed quarters I guess.

But I've been really tired so I've been going to sleep at 1am because this.pregnancy is taking so much out of me. Hes awake for hours prior but doesnt text me till 10 or 11 PM. So at that point hes only talking to me for 3 hours before I go to sleep. He threw a fit about it last night also but I made him mad because hes thinking of taking steroids again and I'm not comfortable with it. He basically made me feel bad for that. But he got.real mad when I said I was going to sleep.

I stick up for myself but he then says goodbye and waits a few days ans asks if I'm done throwing my fit and stuff like that. He hasn't taken ownership of any of the problems hes caused but blames me... says he wants to sign over his rights for our daughter so I cant get him for child support and if I tried hed have her taken from me permanently. He hasn't bought anything for her, hasn't came to any appt and hasnt made any effort to meet my family. He always wants sex from me and sends me nudes of himself when I dont ask nor want them. He has a girlfriend too now at this point and still does this. Hasnt told her or his family that hes expecting a baby

I'm stuck at this point because I feel trapped. Either way I have to deal with him because hes her father but is this really abuse or am I just grasping at straws??