what is wrong with me?


I was induced on Monday night and delivered the 14th. I was in labor for 23 hours until my doctor deemed it necessary to suction my baby out. I couldn't deal with the pain anymore and I was exhausted. I originally didnt want anyone coming to the hospital besides my partner. The last hour and a half of labor my partner's mom shows up. I was in so much pain that I didnt care anymore so I allowed her in. The next day she shows up unannounced to my room. I called her later that night crying since I felt like she didnt respect my boundaries and told her that I didnt want anyone to come since I wasnt sure how I would feel about it and she apologized and assured that she will stop dropping by unannounced. At the time I ended up being happy that she showed up while I was in labor since my family is in California and I'm here in Pennsylvania so his family is the only family I know . Now I just feel resentment and anger that she was there at all. Also i feel sad that I'm not pregnant anymore. I love my baby like no other but I just feel sad that it's now over and nothing went according to my birth plan. am I just being dramatic?