A dream with a sign?

Ali • 🌵🌻

So I'll try to make this short but pretty much for the past few nights I've been having weird dreams.. First was me cheating on my husband, the next two were about him cheating and in the last one at the end of the dream I was confronting my husband saying I wanted a divorce or something and while he was talking I got a call on my phone and it said GOD and I didn't answer bc I was so sucked into the conversation and then I got a texts or email and it was from a church and I didn't read it.. Now other things happened in those dreams but the cheating is really the only parts I remember and I know for certain my husband and I aren't cheating on each other so idk what that's about. I told my husband yesterday about the dream and he is in school for Christian ethics, apologetics, and soon psychology. And be was like well maybe it means you're distracted on other things you shouldn't be like stress and worldly things. What do y'all think? I want to know what would've happened if I answered that phone call from God! Have y'all had any similar experiences? And ps. there is a lot of "drama" in my life right now I worry a lot and complain and 50% of the time I'm upset so I have been in a rut for the past year or more so idk that's what my husband thinks it's about