I don’t know if i should keep my baby

I’m 23 years old. and 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant by my boyfriend. I live with my family and they are super religious. They are the head of their church and they will kill me if i tell them. I just graduated with my associates degree and continuing this fall to finish my bachelors. I have a part time job as a specialist in a charter school and so far no one but my boyfriend and my sister knows about the pregnancy.

Every day, i grow closer and closer to this child. I already went for a sonogram and saw the little chocolate chip and got 100x more attached.

My family won’t support me if they found out and my boyfriend is being sensitive that a couple of my family members don’t like him so he decided to stay away and not be around.

I feel all alone and if i keep this baby, how do i go about it? Has anyone been in a similar situation?

Some advice would be great❤️