Advice for ladies who have high nucal measurements (UK based)

Laura • 33, UK, expecting my first baby 18 January 2016!

I just wanted to share my story with you ladies who have had high risk results from your 12 week scan on the nhs.

I was told my baby "almost certainly" had a chromosome abnormality due to a nucal measurement of 5.6mm by the nhs. I was told there was a high chance I would need to abort and to have the cvs or amino test. I was devastated as we have been trying for 3 years. I decided to opt for the cvs to be done privately so went to the fetal medical centre iN London. Before the test they do a detailed scan, much more detailed than the nhs, and did my blood again.

The nhs said I had a risk of 1 in 4 of downs syndrome, 1 in 27 of edwards and 1 in 47 of pataus. After my private scan I was told the risk was less than 1 in 200 for all 3! They told me not to have the cvs but to have Harmony blood test as its safer.

One week later my results came back normal (less than 1 in 10,000!) And I found out I'm having a boy!

So my advice is please consider a second opinion if the nhs give you high risk results. We paid £500 for the private scan and test and it was worth every penny. The fetal medical centre is the top of its field and worth using.

The nhs was adamant I needed invasive testing and that my baby had chromosomes abnormality. They were wrong. They have very little to go on, the private scan is much more detailed and takes much more into account when doing your risk factors. It may be expensive but they are worth it if you can find the money. You don't have to have the invasive testing that the nhs push on you. The nhs told me the Harmony test wasn't suitable for us as we were such high risk, but I'm so happy I went private and got the second opinion.

Sorry for the long post but I felt it was important to share the info. I am lucky my baby is ok, but had it not been at least we would of been fully informed and able to make the best choice for us and our baby.

If anyone has any questions or needs support let me know, I know first hand how upsetting and devastating a high risk result can be.