100% sure I’m miscarrying.

DeAnna • DS-6/08❣️DD-12/10❣️DS-5/13❣️DS-3/16👼-12wks7/18 👼-6.5wks 8/29

Had an ultrasound two days ago. Saw heartbeat. I would be 6 wks 1 day today. I had a quick sharp pain, then allot of dark red blood.... and still coming. Heading to the doc now to confirm it’s a miscarriage. We had seen a subchorionic hematoma during the ultrasound but this is ALLOT of blood and tissue.


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Posted at
I had this at 7 weeks and miscarried. I hope your ok. This happened to my mom when she was pregnant with me and my twin sister and they told her she was miscarrying and to put her feet up and we were born so you never know. Good luck with everything


DeAnna • Aug 26, 2018
I’m sorry you went through a miscarriage, I just had one at 12 wks ended with a D&C on July 3rd. So far my bleeding has stopped. We saw the heartbeat yesterday during the bleeding soo fingers crossed baby holds on until my subchorionic hematoma fixes itself. We’ll see if baby is still hanging on on Thursday x


Posted at
I had a subchorionic hematoma at 6 weeks, but it was light pink spotting nothing like this... hope everything is okay, praying for you.


Lizziebeaaar • Aug 25, 2018
Great news! Just pray & have faith everything will be alright ☺️


DeAnna • Aug 25, 2018
I was put on bed rest basically. Like can’t do anything. There was a heartbeat and the gestational sack looked good but still could go south.


Posted at
Pls hope not mc 🎀🎀


Posted at
If it makes you feel better i had the same thing at 9 weeks pregnant. I got up to use the bathroom and felt a gush. The entire toilet bowl was red 😢 went to the er and had an ultrasound....there was a happy wiggly baby in there still! I am now 23 weeks! They said that it was a hematoma as well.


Katie • Aug 27, 2018
Fingers crossed love ❤️


DeAnna • Aug 27, 2018
Yeah, it went away and two days later did it again with more clots and went to the ER and they really didn’t say much so I have to see my doc today I think