Supplementing 😞

DD is a month old, after dealing with her being fussy constantly for 2 weeks, I decided to pump and see how much milk I was making. 3 ounces. I started giving her 3 ounce bottles and the fussiness got better but not great, so I used some of my stash milk to make 4 ounce bottles for her and continued to pump during the day, and nurse her at night, that seemed to help tremendously, but now today, the 4 ounce bottles aren't doing it anymore. She's still sucking her hands and screaming like she's starving. I've been eating more oats than horse, lactation cookies, flax seed meal, and Brewers yeast, drinking over 100 ounces of water a day, and tried nursing on demand, nothing is increasing my milk supply, is it time to supplement? I know you should watch output and she's got plenty of dirty and wet diapers, but she's clearly not getting enough... So I just don't know what else to do. Any ideas?Â