Community of bullies

Recently, I found out that I'm pregnant, and I talked about it on Glow. With that being said, I wish I wouldn't of even said anything. So far people have been nothing but mean and negative. Granted, I am eighteen, but I thought this was supposed to be a "community"... A lot of people tend to pass judgement way before they even know what's going on... Most of the time, they don't even care to know, they just want to put their two cents in and try to make young moms feel bad... I don't feel like I should have to explain my life story to anyone. Everyday I see young moms asking for advice or just wanting someone to talk to, and they get shot down. It's sad... I get it, some of these girls do it just to do it. Or to keep their boyfriends... Not having a pot to piss out of or a window to throw it out.. It is wrong.. It makes the girls who genuinely make honest mistakes,or have the best intentions look bad. Honestly, it could be worse. We have our own place, both have jobs, our own cars... I'm not naïve, we were both aware of the repercussions. My decision to get pregnant has a lot to do with my mother's health at the moment, so my family supports me. I know I will not hear what I want to hear, but I just needed to rant a little.

Side note question..

Why does teen pregnancy bother people so much, especially when it does not directly affect them?

Teen pregnancy used to be far more normal in the past... It was the norm..