Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Hypothyroidism and PCOS


*Long post*

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Tiffany, I am 28years old. When I was 12 I started my period on Easter Sunday, it lasted 3 months straight before being placed on birth control to get my period to stop.

Age 16 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was only 120 lbs until depression set in at age 18. My weight junped up to 200 my senior year. I was asked constantly if I was pregnant by the guidance counselor.

Age 22 I met my now husband. He has been my biggest supporter through my health struggles. He was aware that I had PCOS and was on birth control. I Struggled every month with my birth control as it started to stop working.

Age 23 I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. They said this is why I was always cold, and gained alot of weight and why my skin had a psoriasis appearance around my neck.

October 2016 Age 26 I stopped taking my birth control.

January I started Progesterone 2.5 mg. We was using the pull out method knowing that I could get pregnant

At age 26 I was diagnosed with a Parathyroid tumor, Hypercalcemia and an autoimmune disorder Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I was about to face surgery to have the tumor removed.

The parathyroid tunor was removed and hypercalcemia resolved. We continued to use the pull out method knowing that I could get pregnant

Age 27 I married my best friend of 6.5 years. We continued to use the pull out method knowing.

Age 28 We continued to use the pull out method knowing that I could get pregnant. Until 8/16/18 1 month before our wedding anniversary we decieded to stop pulling out and let nature take its course.

January 1, 2019- if I am not pregnant by this date we are starting fermara 7.5 mg and Novarel trigger injection.