

I am pregnant and due in December. Along with all of the joy and blessings I feel with this pregnancy, it has also brought up anxieties and hard conversations to have with myself & my husband. For example, death during labor. We have discussed what our choice would be if things were to go wrong during labor. Even though I feel like we made the right choice, I have to admit... I’m terrified. Thinking of dying without being able to meet & raise my first child, which has been my life dream & I feel has always been my purpose, sends me into such a panic. Thinking of not having my husband, not seeing my students, generally, not living every day life anymore, scares me. I’ve talked to my husband about these feelings, and he really doesn’t know what to say. I’ve talked to my mom, and she tells me “when it’s your time it’s your time” which I completely understand and agree; but I still have anxiety. Any encouragement would be greatly appreciate; knowing I’m not alone in having these fears would be nice. Please pray for some peace of mind for me and any others who feel this way 💗🙏🏼