1 year doctor visit left me uneasy

I don't really have anyone to talk to, so I'm just gonna vent here. Baby girl had her 1 year doctor visit today. She is in the 88th percentile for height, 51 for weight. She is still breastfed. She is healthy and happy. So, it kinda blew my mind when the doctor asked how long i planned to breastfeed. Then stated most of babies calories should come from food at this age. I asked if i should be concerned about her weight, shes only 19 lbs. He said no. I just felt like he was hinting that I should stop breastfeeding her now.

Then on the drive home I couldn't shut off my mind. Am i giving her enough iron through foods? What about vitamin D? I just started questioning everything I've done for the past year. It really made me feel like i haven't been doing enough.

I am probably just emotional that I no longer have an infant and over thinking, but damn, this momming thing is hard.