Advice needed


Hello, So a little back story. Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost three years. We have used condoms and birth control, but still somehow ended up pregnant. We are both kinda lost at the moment on what to do. He is more looking into getting an abortion because he does not think we are ready to be parents financially mainly. We do not live together yet, as I just graduated highschool and thinking about moving out with him next spring. He supports his family while paying the bills in the house. I just pay the grocery bill to help them out with food since he has to pay so much already. I would say i am about 4 weeks, really not every far. I know if I get an abortion the baby cannot feel a thing as it is just really a clump of cells that as no feelings. I am just really mixed on what to do. A part of me wants to get an abortion so I can go on and live my life and do what I want. Another part of me is that I do want to keep it and raise it. I have told him that I would always put the baby first, and always try to care for it's needs. Well last night I had a breakdown because I feel like if I do get an abortion then I will grief for quite a while, and I do not think he understands that, that I will cry for quite a while. If I get one I just not sure where we would stand in our realtionship, I am not sure how I would actually feel towards him, or if I would want to be in a realtionship with him after all this happened. I guess I am just looking for some advice on how it went for you, and how you are affected after a week or even a couple of months of having one, was your relationship the same or worse or stronger?

Thank you!