Sitting here crying and 18 weeks pregnant... am I over reacting?


My boyfriend (father of my two babies) one 9 month old and the baby I am pregnant with... has been having to work out of town for the last three weeks now about two hours away from our home. We only have one car. He will come home for two days a week maybe, at most. He is a contractor with the union so he gets sent wherever they ask.

I’m crying because we have fought so much over the travel thing. He never answers his phone which makes me think something happened or maybe he’s cheating, etc.

But also for emergency purposes and just to chat you know? Like for example our power was shut off while he was gone and I couldn’t reach him to pay It. I have no car to go anywhere and I have no friends or family way out here. I am so stressed and alone but he doesn’t seem to care. He tells me to pull It together.

I’m just losing It.. I feel like he’s acting so cold. Any advice?

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