Baby Embers Birth Story


I went in to be induced Monday at 2pm, the midwife wasn't around so we sat there for an hour waiting for her before we got started. After all the checks were donr I had a pessery put in at 3.45pm. By 4.30pm I was having mild contractions, just sitting through them trying to relax, by 5pm I asked for some paracetamol to take the edge off, the contractions were less than 2 minutes apart but not lasting very long. About 9pm I had some codine and finally told the midwife how quick the contractions were coming so I was monitored to check them, they were actually 30 seconds apart but only lasting 30 seconds. I had to be checked over by the Doctor at this point who removed the pessary because I was at 4cm so it was just a case of waiting for a bed on labour and delivery unit to have my waters broken.

We got to l&d at 11.30pm, still 4cm. Had waters broken just after 12am, gas & air time. 1.15am, contractions still the same, cervix still at 4cm, pethadine time. They weren't getting more intense but they were so quick itbwas just hurting more and more.

Babys heart rate stayed completely fine the whole time and I am so glad for that. 11.45pm and the midwife offers OH a coffee. In the 5 minutes shebwas out of the room I had a contraction that made me feel like I had to push, I told OH to get the midwife and she flew in the room, practically threw his coffee at him and checked me over. 5cm. Next contraction and I couldn't stop myself pushing, midwifes tells me to stop because Im not ready yet, looks down and sees baby crowning. Not sure how I went from 5cm to crowning so fast. Next contraction and her heads out.

One push later and babys out. 6lbs 4oz, 19in long at 38 weeks 1 day, 1.52 am.

Shes a little jaundice but not enough to need photo therapy but she needs rwchecking tomorrow. None of her clothea fit properly but shes feeding like a champ. She doesn't cry, just sort of squeaks when she needs anything and sleeps all the time. Shes amazing.