They decided to come at 31 weeks exactly!!
Some of the details may be a little to much for some of you but it's not really that bad!!
Back story:
I've been told since I was a teenager that my chances of ever having children were very slim if I didn't have a child by 18-20 y.o I was still in school and was still young didn't want to just go find someone to get pregnant as much as I've always wanted children I wanted it to be at the right time and the right reasons!! After trying for years with my ex and seeing Dr. after Dr. and specialists having exploratory surgeries I was told I lost my chance this was devastating for me!! I tried for so long with 2 of my longterm relationships then I stopped getting a cycle for 8 yrs at that point I didn't even ovulate then about 3 yrs ago all of the sudden out of no where it started again my cycles were never regular sometimes early sometimes late so was very hard to track!! I'm now 35 y.o and back in Jan waiting for my period 5 days late I also have digestive issues so I was sick all the same symptoms of my health issues and just thought I was about to start my cycle
Very sore breasts more then usual but didn't think anything of it and cramping.. Didn't even occur to me that I could possibly be pregnant after all the years of trying and treating everyone I was late when a friend talked me into taking a test that I didn't want to take because of all the heartbreaks of never having a BFP. I took the test and before I even finished peeing on the stick it was a digital test said pregnant!! I literally almost passed out I was using a Walgreens bathroom and had to have my friend come help me out I was in COMPLETE SHOCK and even denial how could this be I asked myself my bf and I had only been together for about 4 months and it happened so fast he's also the 1st guy I'd been with our even dated in about 9 yrs I thought who would want someone who was sick all the time with my health as bad as it was at that time and having been told I would never have children I gave up on my life that was all I ever wanted was a family!! I was so sick with ALL DAY sickness I went to the ER and they did a sono and low and behold I was pregnant with twins!! Now I'm a twin and my twin sister also had twin girls always thought that she had twins as a freak accident because it is supposed to slip a generation anyway...
Birth story:
When I was 29+5 after intercourse (not rough and my Dr. Said sex was ok) I started spoting a little bit I called my Dr. and she said it was normal but if I started having any contractions to come in needless to say I started having contractions called my mom to come take me to the hospital when I got there my contractions were not regular but they were pretty steady so they immediately started me on iv magnesium to stop contractions and gave me steroid treatments for development of the twins lungs I was in the hospital for 5 days and I had only dilated to 1 and held there the remainder of my stay and was discharged on COMPLETE bedrest!! On July 21st 1 day before I would've been 31 weeks the whole day I had a pain in my left side and kept feeling like I needed to use the bathroom I had been in and out about 10 times that day trying to use the bathroom and had been having pressure but with my digestive problems that was normal for me I'd always had trouble going to the bathroom anyway about 9:30pm I went to try and use the bathroom one more time before heading to bed. When I sat down the whole toilet filled with blood and clots (I was starting with my mom at this time due to being on COMPLETE bedrest and at my place the bathroom is upstairs and kitchen downstairs) I started yelling telling my mom WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!! and within about 3 min I was having full blown contractions the pain and pressure was crazy bad they were coming every 3-4 min lasting any where from 7-10 min.. I got to the hospital and obviously they took me right back started the magnesium immediately again and the steroid shots and checked me I was almost 6cm and fully effaced and at the prior admission I was 97% effaced. I was in so much pain they kept giving me meds and I begged for an epidural (I was having back labor which really sucked especially since I have 3 fractures to my lumbar spine) they finally came in to do it when though they were still trying to stop my contractions but when I sat up so they could do it my water broke for one of the twins!! They put the epidural in and pumped me full of meds so they could get me in the OR for emergency C section only problem was it didn't work on my right side I could still feel everything and move my leg they repositioned it and gave me 9 doses of meds and still didn't take finally they said we don't have time to reposition it again we're going to have to put you under and I was devastated that I wasn't going to be awake to see my babies come into the world, take their 1st breath or see and hold them right away but I wanted them safe so they put me under it was 7a on July 22nd exactly 2 months before my due date my son was born at 7:05 weighing 3lbs 7oz and my daughter was born at 7:07 weighing 2lbs 15oz they were taken straight to the NICU and I wasn't even able to see them until 2p the next day 30+ hrs later!! They were breathing on their own for the first day they used a C Pap machine just to help them and then after that they came off they turned a month old on the 22nd of this month they are still in the NICU doing wonderful only thing keeping them there is they have occasional Brady events where their heart rates drop they have to go 5 days without having them in order to come home they are both supposed to come home tomorrow originally she was supposed to come home today but they decided to keep them till tomorrow and they both had a Brady event today!! I can't wait for my babies to come home it's been so hard!!
The 1st 2 pics are from the 1st time I was able to see them

Liam Michael

Macie Faith
3rd pic is them at 1 week Liam is in the top pic and Macie is wearing the hat.

4th, 5th and 6th pics are
from Aug 22nd

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.