My summer and finding out I’m bisexual

So this summer has been a doozie. At the beginning of the summer me and my (at the time boyfriend of two years) started getting sick of each other. This was the first time I felt alone

A week went by and I went to his house after not really talking that much and he joked about how he didn’t want me to go home I jokingly said “I don’t need a helmet I won’t crash” and who knew.... I crashed and flipped my dirtbike on my way home, broke the end of my arm off.

After braking my arm he was there for me a lot but I was irritable and I didn’t want him around much. The fights got worse and the physical fights started here and it wasn’t u til two months later we decided we fought too much and would be better off as friends.

...Now... flashback to a year before. I started to notice girls and how I was really attracted to some of the girls I was seeing. My bf thought that was cool when I told him about it. He said I should “go have fun and experiment with a women” I didn’t think this was right being in a relationship but doing things with another person. So I turned down the offer and just fantasized about the women with him.

Flash forward to now. Now me and my ex boyfriend are best friends and he set me up with this really nice girl. She doesn’t really know if she’s bisexual but she’s had feelings for girls and I agreed to show her a few things about girl on girl Sex, after she asked me of course.

Me and my bf breaking up was the best decision of this summer. I mean I was upset about it but I’m pretty okay now. Me and him are in love with the same girl so we still share the same fantasies and we often talk about her when she leaves. But today was by far the best day ever, hanging out with her makes me so happy. And just being with both of them makes it seem like it’s supposed to be this way.

I can’t wait to see what the future has in store.